
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Episode 019: Dr. Jim Dahle, host Rick Ferri
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
James M. Dahle, M.D., FACEP, is a full-time emergency room doctor, entrepreneur, writer, speaker, father, and is an inspiration to thousands of young doctors, dentists, lawyers, and other professionals who are seeking straight answers to personal finance questions. He started The White Coat Investor in 2011 to help those in the medical profession became the wealthy doctors that people think they are, and it has grown into the most widely-read physician-specific personal finance and investing website in the world.
Dr. Dahle published The White Coat Investor, A Doctor’s Guide to Personal Finance and Investing in 2014, and recently published The White Coat Investor’s Financial Boot Camp: A 12-Step High-Yield Guide to Bring Your Finances Up to Speed. His personal finance articles have appeared in numerous online and printed publications, and he writes regular columns for Physicians Money Digest and ACEP NOW. His enterprise also includes a conference, online courses, and social media discussions.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are 56 Local Chapters in the US and three Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly. New Chapters are being added on a regular basis.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Episode 018: Paul Merriman, host Rick Ferri
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Paul Merriman is a nationally recognized authority on mutual funds, index investing, asset allocation and both buy-and-hold and active management strategies. Now retired from Merriman, the Seattle-based investment advisory firm he founded in 1983, he is dedicated to educating investors, young and old, through weekly articles at Marketwatch.com, and via free eBooks, podcasts, articles, recommendations for mutual funds, ETFs, 401(k) plans and more, at his website.
Our discussion centers on Paul's investment strategies, including his popular "Ultimate Buy-and-Hold Portfolio" and newer "2 Funds for Life” strategy that he created with Chris Pedersen.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are 56 Local Chapters in the US and three Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly. New Chapters are being added on a regular basis.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Episode 017: Joe Davis, host Rick Ferri
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Joseph "Joe" Davis, Ph.D., is a principal and Vanguard's global chief economist. He is also head of Vanguard Investment Strategy Group, whose research team is responsible for helping to oversee the firm's investment methodologies and asset allocation strategies for both institutional and individual investors. In addition, he is a member of the senior portfolio management team for the Vanguard Fixed Income Group. Joe earned his Ph.D. in macroeconomics and finance at Duke University.
Our discussion centers on a new report, Vanguard economic and market outlook for 2020: The new age of uncertainty, published by the Vanguard Global Economics and Capital Markets Outlook Team.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are 56 Local Chapters in the US and three Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly. New Chapters are being added on a regular basis.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Episode 016: Sheryl Garrett, host Rick Ferri
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
My guest in December will be Sheryl Garrett, CFP, the founder of the Garrett Planning Network, a nationwide network of more than 230 hourly based financial advisors whose mission is to help make competent, objective financial advice accessible to all people.
Sheryl is frequently quoted in media and a recipient of numerous awards and recognition for her contributions in the field of financial advice. She's written, co-authored or served as a series editor on more than a dozen books and has been very involved in financial education and awareness and investor protection.
President Barack Obama singled out Sheryl eight times during a 2015 speech at an AARP event. He said she was an adviser who puts clients' interests first and supported her efforts for tougher investment-advice standards for brokers who handle retirement plans.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are 56 Local Chapters in the US and three Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly. New Chapters are being added on a regular basis.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Episode 015: Eric Balchunas, host Rick Ferri
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Eric Balchunas is the Senior ETF Analyst at Bloomberg. He writes research reports, articles, and feature stories about ETFs for the Bloomberg terminal and Bloomberg.com. Eric is a frequent speaker on ETF topics at industry conferences, and he also appears in a weekly on-air segment for Bloomberg TV and Radio called "Exchange-Traded Friday" in which he discusses different ETFs and the way investors can utilize them.
Eric is the author of The Institutional ETF Toolbox, which was published by Wiley. The book is a primer on ETFs that both novices and professionals can understand as well as a guide to doing proper due diligence on the fast-growing world of ETFs.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Episode 014: Chris Mamula, host Rick Ferri
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Chris Mamula is the lead co-author of the ChooseFI book and a financial writer for Can I Retire Yet? In this in-depth interview, Chris explains how the FIRE movement developed, and how the principles of traditional retirement planning, combined with creative lifestyle design, allowed him to retire early from a career as a physical therapist at age 41, and pursue his passion for teaching others about financial independence.
After poor experiences with the financial industry early in his professional life, Chris educated himself on investing and tax planning. Now he draws on his experience to write about wealth building, DIY investing, financial planning, early retirement, and lifestyle design at Chris' writing have been featured in MarketWatch, Doughroller, Business Insider and RockStar Finance.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Episode 013: Dr. Bill Bernstein, host Rick Ferri
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Dr. William (Bill) Bernstein is a medical doctor, author, investment adviser, and financial historian. His research is in the field of modern portfolio theory and economic history. Bill has published extensively on investing and finance. His first book, The Intelligent Asset Allocator, makes the case for broad diversification in a passive portfolio, as does his second book, The Four Pillars of Investing. Bill's economic history books include The Birth of Plenty, is a history of the world's standard of living, and A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World, a history of world trade.
Dr. Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in chemistry and an M.D.; he practiced neurology until retiring from the field in the 1990s and became a full-time researcher, investment adviser, and author.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Episode 012: Larry Swedroe, host Rick Ferri
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Larry Swedroe is a principal and Chief Research Officer of Buckingham Strategic Wealth, a 17 billion dollar wealth management company headquartered in St. Louis, MO. Since joining the firm in 1996, Larry Swedroe has spent his time, talent and energy educating investors on the elements of investing with an enthusiasm few can match.
Larry has published 17 books that explain investing in layman’s terms. His first book, “The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You’ll Ever Need” is in its second edition. He has since authored sixteen more books including, “What Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know” (2001), “Rational Investing in Irrational Times” (2002), “The Successful Investor Today” (2003), “Wise Investing Made Simple” (2007), “Wise Investing Made Simpler” (2010), “The Quest for Alpha” (2011) and “Think, Act, and Invest Like Warren Buffett” (2012), and his latest book, "Your Complete Guide to a Successful & Secure Retirement" (2019), which is a focus of this podcast.
Previously, Larry was Vice-Chairman of Prudential Home Mortgage, the nation’s second-largest home mortgage lender. He has held positions at Citicorp as Senior Vice-President and Regional Treasurer, responsible for treasury, foreign exchange and investment banking activities, including risk management strategies.
Larry has an MBA in Finance and Investment from NYU, and a BA in Finance from Baruch College.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Episode 011: Mel Lindauer, host Rick Ferri
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Mel Lindauer, CFS, WMS, was dubbed "The Prince of the Bogleheads" by Jack Bogle. He's one of Boglehead forum founders along with Taylor Larimore, and has contributed thousands of posts, helping investors learn the Boglehead way to invest. In 2010, Mel helped create the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) charitable organization. He serves as the voluntary president of the Center.
A Marine veteran, he started investing in the late '60s and has first-hand experience with both bull and bear markets.
Together with Taylor Larimore, Mel initiated and continues to organize the grassroots Bogleheads' annual meetings. He's been quoted in a number of newspapers and national magazines and has appeared on CNN-fn. He was selected as one of Money Magazine's everyday heroes in it's March 2012 issue.
Retired since 1997, he was founder and former CEO of a successful graphic arts company in the Philadelphia area for 30 years. Since retirement, he has earned credentials as a Certified Fund Specialist from the Institute of Business and Finance and as a Wealth Management Specialist from Kaplan College. He also holds commercial and flight instructor licenses and was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel by the Governor of his former home state of Kentucky. Mel was elected to the Daytona Beach Shores city council and was sworn in on November 15, 2016.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Episode 010: Debbie Fuhr and Robin Powell, host Rick Ferri
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Debbie Fuhr and Robin Powell are my guests on Episode 10. Our focus is on the global growth of index investing and ETFs. Debbie is the Managing Partner & Founder founder of ETFGI, the world's leading independent research company. ETFGI has become the dominant independent research and consulting provider providing insights on the entire global industry of ETFs and ETPs listed globally as well as the service providers. Robin is a journalist who lives and works in the UK. He is an investor advocate, consultant to progressive financial advisers and asset managers in the UK and US, and the founder of The Evidence-Based Investor website.
This podcast is hosted by Rick Ferri, CFA, a long-time Boglehead and investment adviser. The Bogleheads are a group of like-minded individual investors who follow the general investment and business beliefs of John C. Bogle, founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group. It is a conflict-free community where individual investors reach out and provide education, assistance and relevant information to other investors of all experience levels at no cost.
The organization's free website is Bogleheads.org, and the wiki site is Bogleheads® wiki. Bogleheads sites are operated by volunteers who contribute time and talent. Donations help defray operating costs.
Since 2000, the Bogleheads' have held national conferences in major cities around the country and currently meet in Philadelphia in the autumn of each year. There are dozens of Local Chapters in the US and several Foreign Chapters that also meet regularly.
This podcast is supported by the John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy, a non-profit organization approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity on February 6, 2012.